Email On Demand Send
The Deployment API allows our clients to send a single Omail email deployment.
Please work with your Client Services Manager for the initial setup and access to this API.
Base Resource URI
For Production:{brandAbbreviation}/omail/deployemails/*
For Testing:{brandAbbreviation}/omail/deployemails/*
brandAbbreviationis the brand identifier for your brand or site
Technical Requirements
The HTTP header must contain the following elements: x-omeda-appid a unique id provided to you by Omeda to access your data. The request will fail without a valid id.content-typea content type supported by this resource. See Supported Content Types for more details. If omitted, the default content type is application/json.
Supported Content Types
If omitted, the default content type is application/json.JSONapplication/json
JSON is the preferred data exchange format, because it is lightweight and, in most cases, faster to process and utilizes less bandwidth. There are many available open-source JSON libraries available. See for details.
Supported HTTP Methods
There is one HTTP method supported:POSTSee W3C’s POST specs for details.
Field Definition
The following table describes the data elements that can be included in the POST method to request an email deployment.
Element Name | Required? | Data Type | Description |
Track Id | yes | string | publicly viewable tracking id for the relevant API triggered deployment. |
EmailAddress | yes | string | address for the recipient of this email. |
FirstName | optional | string | first name of the recipient of this email. |
LastName | optional | string | last name of the recipient of this email. |
Subject | optional | string | if provided, will override the subject configured on the deployment. |
TextContent | optional | string | if provided, will override all Text content defined on the deployment. |
HtmlContent | optional | string | if provided, will override all HTML content defined on the deployment. |
TextContentUrl | optional | string | if provided, the API will pull the text from the url which will override all text content defined on the deployment. |
HtmlContentUrl | optional | string | if provided, the API will pull the HTML from the url which will override all HTML content defined on the deployment. |
OmedaCustomerId | optional | string/number | If you have an omeda customer id or encrypted customer id at the time you wish to send an On Demand Send email – passing this field will allow you to query for clicks/opens of the email in Audience Builder. |
Preference | optional | string | if provided, and if multiple content formats are provided, indicates the preference for this email. Valid values are TEXT and HTML. |
FromName | optional | string | if provided, overrides the name associated with the from email configured on the deployment. |
MergeVariables | optional | List | If merge variables are included on the deployment, they are required to be listed here as well. This is a list consisting of the merge variable name followed by a colon (:) and then the actual variable to be used. The list is separated by comas (,). |
Request Examples
JSON Example
"TrackId":"Track Id",
"Subject":"Confirmation Email",
"TextContent":"This is a confirmation email.",
"HtmlContent":"<h1>Subscription Email</h1><p>This is a confirmation email.</p>",
"FromName":"Customer Service",
"MergeVariables": [{
"city": "chicago",
"state": "IL",
"company": "omeda",
"customerid": "123456789",
"postalcode": "99911",
"ordertotal": "$159.00",
"orderid": "123456789",
"fullname": "Jane Doe"
Response Examples
Two responses are possible: a successful POST (200 OK Status) or a failed POST (400 Bad Request/403 Forbidden/404 Not Found/405 Method Not Allowed Statuses). See W3C’s Status Codes.
Successful Submission
A successful POST submission will create a deployment in Omail for a single email.
Error Response
In the event of an error, an error response will be returned. This will result in an HTTP Status 400 Bad Request/404 Not Found/405 Method Not Allowed.
A failed POST submission error codes:
Status | Description |
400 Bad Request | Typically, this error occurs when the request does not follow the specifications. |
403 Forbidden | Typically, this error occurs when the credentials are erroneous. Potentially, an incorrect x-omeda-appid. |
404 Not Found | Typically, this error occurs with a malformed URL or the resource that is searched for is not found. |
405 Method Not Allowed | Typically, this error occurs when the resource accessed is not allowed by the HTTP Method utilized. Make sure you employ the correct HTTP Method (POST) for this request. |
This is not an exhaustive list of errors, but common ones. If an error occurs repeatedly, please contact your Omeda representative.
JSON Example
In the rare case that there is a server-side problem, an HTTP 500 (server error) will be returned. This generally indicates a problem of a more serious nature, and submitting additional requests may not be advisable.Please contact Omeda Account Representative.
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