Tax Rate Lookup

Tax Rate Lookup

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The Tax Rate Lookup API returns the tax rate that should be applied to an order based on their location and product id being ordered. The lookup will also take into consideration tax exempt customers if the Customer Id is passed in.

Base Resource URI

For Production, use: https://ows.omeda.com/webservices/rest/brand/{brandAbbreviation}/taxrate/* For Testing, use: https://ows.omedastaging.com/webservices/rest/brand/{brandAbbreviation}/taxrate/*

brandAbbreviation is the abbreviation for the brand to which the data is being posted.

HTTP Headers

The HTTP header must contain the following element: x-omeda-appid a unique id provided to you by Omeda to access your data. The request will fail without a valid id.

Technical Requirements

The HTTP header must contain the following elements: content-type a content type supported by this resource. See Supported Content Types for more details. If omitted, the default content type is application/json.

Supported Content Types

There are three content types supported. If omitted, the default content type is application/json. JSON application/json

JSON is the preferred data exchange format, because it is lightweight and, in most cases, faster to process and utilizes less bandwidth. There are many available open-source JSON libraries available. See json.org for details.

Supported HTTP Methods

There is one HTTP method supported: POST See W3C’s POST specs for details.

Field Definition

The following tables describe the data elements that can be included in the POST method to lookup data in the database.

Tax Rate Lookup Element

Attribute Name



Attribute Name





ZIP code or postal code.



For country_code=’USA’ or ‘CAN’, this must be the 2-character US state or Canadian code used by the postal service. Omeda also has region codes for other countries of the world.



3-character country code



Explicit Omeda product id for the product being for which tax is being requested.



The number of issues for the subscription.



The internal id of the customer. This id is unique.

Request Examples

JSON Example

{ "PostalCode":"60062", "OmedaProductId":"19", "CountryCode":"USA", "RegionCode":"IL", "Term": 12, "OmedaCustomerId":12345 }

Response – Success

Upon successful update of a behavior, an HTTP 200 will be issued.

HTTP Response Codes





200 OK

The request has succeeded.

Example Responses

{ "ResponseInfo":[ { "TaxRate": .1025 } ], "SubmissionId":"11111111-22bf-3f33-4444-55ef55d55555" }

If no tax should be charged based on supplied info then the following will be returned with a “TaxRate” of 0.

Response – Failure

If an error occurs repeatedly, please contact your Omeda representative.

HTTP Response Codes





400 Bad Request

Typically, this error occurs when the request does not follow the specifications.

403 Forbidden

Typically, this error occurs when the credentials are erroneous. Potentially, an incorrect x-omeda-appid.

404 Not Found

Typically, this error occurs with a malformed URL or the resource that is searched for is not found.

405 Method Not Allowed

Typically, this error occurs when the resource accessed is not allowed by the HTTP Method utilized. Make sure you employ the correct HTTP Method (POST) for this request.

500 Internal Server Error

In the rare case that there is a server-side problem, this response will be returned. This generally indicates a problem of a more serious nature, and submitting additional requests may not be advisable. Please contact Omeda Account Representative.

Example Response

Possible Error Messages

In the event of an error, an error response will be returned. Here are some of the possible responses you might receive.


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