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In the Products section of the Manage Database tool, all Magazine Products are available to search in the dashboard.




In the table on the dashboard, you’ll see information about each product including:

  • The Name and ID of each product

  • The Type of each product. Currently only Magazine-type products are able to be viewed here.

  • The Number of Issues for each product

  • The Audit Month, if one exists, for each product

  • The last user the product was Updated By

  • The date the product was Last Modified

  • and the Status of the product. The two possible statuses are Active and Inactive.

Users can click the Product name or the eyeball icon to view more details.

Viewing a Magazine Product

When you click a Product name or the view icon on the dashboard, you will be navigated to the Product page. Here there are several sections with information about the Magazine.

General Information






  • Name : the name of the magazine as it will be displayed across the Omeda portal.

  • Public Display Name : the name of the Magazine as it will be displayed in reports.

  • Number of Issues per Year: the number of issues that will be served per year.

  • Postal Barcode : this is the value used for ACS management with the USPS.

  • Alternate ID : this value may be populated if another identifier or abbreviation may be used to identify this Magazine.

  • Status : the status of the Magazine. Available values are Active and Inactive.

  • Version Type : this will be the versions available for a standard issue of the Magazine. Available options include Both, Print, and Digital.

  • Include Magazine in G/L Export? : If Yes is selected here, the Magazine and it’s subscriptions will be included in the General Ledger report(s) provided by Omeda

  • Make Available Within Profile(s): The product will be available to be configured for use into the profiles selected here.

Audit Definition



  • Audit Bureau : if the Magazine is audited the Bureau will be specified here. Available options include AAM, BPA, or VAC.

  • Audit Month : this is the month that will be treated as the primary audit month by the audit bureau.

  • Verification Cycle Start Date : subscription verification provided between the start date and the end date (see below) will be considered as 1 year audience members by the audit bureau.

  • Verification Cycle End Date

  • Interim Issue Month : the Interim or secondary audited month will display here.

Product Definition

Payment Details



  • Default Paid Class : Paid magazine subscribers will be placed in this Class automatically.

  • Earnings Timing : The selected value will indicate when Earnings will accrue for each Magazine subscriber. The available options are as follows:

    • Earn Over Time : this is the default setting. Earnings will accrue with each Issue Close

    • Earn With First Issue : The earnings for the full subscription term will accrue with the First Issue Close

    • Earn With Last Issue : The earnings for the full subscription term will accrue with the Last Issue Close

  • Controlled Renew on Paid After : This setting controls how long after the expiration of a paid subscription an audience member will be prevented from receiving a new controlled (free) subscription for the Magazine.

  • Payment Options : The selected values are the available payment options for the brand.

  • Tax Options : The selected value will indicate if the Tax amount for a subscription from at Taxable Region should be included in the total amount or added to the Amount. This setting will apply to Form Builder and Audience Search transactions.

  • Available Premiums : Premiums are used to connect promotional items with a promo code. The corresponding premium code is recorded and can be queried using the Audience Builder UI.

Product Write Off Option

This section will describe when write off transactions will automatically be performed for Group subscriptions, Individuals, and Gifts. The scheduled write off will occur, dependent on the Unit of Measure displayed:

  • Day: the write off will occur X days after the Suspend Start Date

  • Month: the write off will occur X months after the Suspend Start Date

  • Issue: the write off will occur X when X issues are remaining days

  • Year: the write off will occur X years after the Suspend Start Date

  • None: write offs will not automatically occur

Product Liability Earnings Option

This section will describe when liability will be earned Group subscriptions, Individuals, and Gifts. The liability earning will occur, dependent on the Unit of Measure displayed:

  • Day: the liability earning will occur X days after the Suspend Start Date

  • Month: the liability earning will occur X months after the Suspend Start Date

  • Issue: the liability earning will occur X when X issues are remaining days

  • Year: the liability earning will occur X years after the Suspend Start Date

  • None: liability earning will not automatically occur


View the GL account setups associated with your product.


Associated Demographics



Associated Demographics are demographics that are commonly included with new transactions for the Magazine. When a demographic is included here, the demographic will display on our Audience Search screen for transactions that include this Product.

Audited Demographics

This section will include the Audited Demographics for this Magazine. The history of Audited Demographics will be stored by Omeda by default.

Issue Close Demographics


Issue Close Demographics are the demographics that will be considered when making decisions about the audience for each issue close. These demographics will be copied from Live to Modelling for each issue close.

Pass-Along Demographics


Pass-Along Demographics are the demographics that should be copied from a host record to a pass-along.


In this section the default and custom classes available for the Magazine product will be listed along with number of subscribers in each class.

Credit and Gracing


View the number of credit and grace issues allowed for your product.

  • Credit Issues - The number of issues a bill-me/pay-later subscriber can receive before a payment is required.

  • Grace Issues - The number of issues a subscriber will receive post-expire.


This section displays the paid merge settings for your product and shows the source priority table Omatch uses to pick the winning subscription. If no Classes or Source are specified within the table, that priority will be skipped.