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About Omeda’s Did You Know? Series:

Omeda’s Did You Know series provides helpful tips for new ways to utilize our platform and tools. We hope you find these tidbits of information useful. Please reach out to your client success contact with any questions you encounter.

Did You Know You Can Load a .Csv List into a Query?

You may have thought loading a .csv list into the Omeda platform was only possible within Email Builder. In reality, there is a way to load a list from a .csv file into Audience Builder as well. Match Evaluation allows you to upload a list to compare to data already in your query. For example, if you have a list of new customer email addresses from an event that you want to add to your marketing promos query, you can upload the list through Match Evaluation. This tool has the ability to compare the list against information already in the database based off a variety of  categories such as zip code, email address, company name, etc.

Did You Know You Have the Ability to Query Audience Members Based Off Information NOT Provided?

Did you know that within Audience Builder, you can query audience members depending on information that is not present in their user profile? This feature is only available for certain demographics such as: Name, Postal Address, Email Address, Phone, Fax, and Text. This feature can be helpful for a variety of reasons. For example, if you’re trying to launch an SMS campaign, but have a lot of customers without Phone Numbers, you could target this group of people with an e-promo in a clever way to try to attain their information and increase the audience size for the SMS deployment.

Did You Know You Can Gain Insights into Your Email Audience’s Actions with the Audience Delivery Report?

Did you know that the Omeda platform has a report that helps to investigate the actions that your email recipients are taking upon receiving an email? The Audience Delivery Report shows the entire audience list from a deployment and the interactions that each individual made with the email. The report also details if the email address was filtered, suppressed or deduped before sending. To view this report, click on “Reports and Analytics” under the Omeda menu. The Audience Delivery Report is under the “Email Reports” section. If you don’t see the link, make sure you have the permission turned on in your user profile settings.

Did You Know You Can Compare Two Queries Against One Another?

Did you know you can compare two saved queries against each other by creating QSkittle Query Fields or by using Match Evaluation? In Audience Builder, start with Query 1. You can then select Query 2 that you want to compare to Query 1 from the Field Library (on the left hand side) if you saved the query as a QSkittle. If you only saved Query 2 as a query, then you can go into Match Evaluation, select Internal Selection, and  search for Query 2 from there. Click “Add” in Query 2’s row under Options. You can then choose your “EXCLUDE,” “AND” or “OR” options from the drop down to compare the two queries to one another.

Did You Know You Can Perform an Audience Search on a Saved Query?

Did you know you can use Audience Search to look up a saved query within your database? All you have to do is click on the “Select OnQ Query” button and you can pull any existing query. The tool will pull the full list of profiles within that query. You can then click into any of them to view details, and use the arrows at the top right corner of the profile page to click through to additional customer profiles within the query.

Did You Know You Can Use Wild Card Characters to Return the Query You Want?

Did you know about the wild card options that will return different results for your queries? You can input these into the text box for a text field search and they will return a specific set of profiles:

  • * (asterisk): Placing this in a text field will pull any customer profile that has zero or more characters within it.

  • # (pound): Using the pound sign in a text field will pull any customer profile that has exactly one character within it.

  • blank: Using the word “blank” will pull any customer profile where the text field you’re searching is blank.

If you would like to pull all fields, you can do so by including both symbols “*#” in the text box.