Client Empowerment: Profiles

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In the Profiles section of the Manage Database tool, all profiles are available to search in the dashboard.

A profile is a query-driven view of the data in your database which can be used to simplify or limit how a user interacts with that data across the application. Users with access to a profile can open it via the Profile selector in the navigation. Note: some applications like Email Builder do not support Profile selection and so will not have this option available in the navigation.


Profiles Dashboard


In the table on the dashboard, you’ll see information about each profile including:

  • The Display Order for each profile as it appears in the Navigation selector. This value can be changed by clicking the up or down arrows.

  • The Profile Name

  • The Created Date for each profile

  • The Updated Date for each Profile

  • The last user the profile was Updated By

On this screen users can also:

  • Sync Environments to sync all profile to their Staging environment.

  • Edit or view the settings of a profile by clicking the edit icon in the Actions column.

  • Create a new profile

Creating a New Profile

When you click Create + you will be navigated to the New Profile page. Here there are several sections where you will need to provide information about the deployment profile.

General Information

  • Name : Provide the Name of the profile as it should be displayed in the Navigation

  • Use profile as a feed for a Data Warehouse : This option might be se selected if the profile and it’s associated query should be used to populate a Data Warehouse.

  • Audience Builder Query to Target : Here you must select the Audience Builder query (built in the the master profile) that the Profile should be based on. Only audience members who are in the profile query will be available in the profile. We recommend that queries that are used as profile queries should be locked in Audience Builder, so unexpected query changes do not cause issues with a profile’s query data.

  • Members : In this section you can add and remove the members who should have access to the profile. By default the primary user will be added to the profile.

Field Access

In this section you can specify the fields that should be accessible when the profile is used in applications like Audience Builder, Data Loader, and Form Builder. There are six sections that you can choose from:

  • Products : these are the Magazines, Newsletters, Event, Website, Sales and Marketing products that have been created in your database.

  • Contact Rules : Contact Rules are the rules that determine which address, phone, email, or fax information is selected in a query. When a new profile is created, by default all of the primary contact rules will be available, along with the recency rules and most subscription rules. For Magazine and Newsletter products in your profile, you will likely want to select the associated Contact Rules as well.

  • Deployment Types : In most cases this section will be empty because any Deployment Type linked to a Product will be added to the profile along with the Product. If a Deployment Type does not have an associated product it may display for selection here.

  • Behaviors : these are the Standard, Event, Webinar, Whitepaper, and Olytics behaviors that have been created in your database.

  • Demographics : this will include all regular, consolidated, or calculated Demographics that have been created in your database.

  • Alternate IDs : this includes all the Alternate IDs included External IDs and those use for Authentication.

Inventory Calendar

In this section you can review the Inventory Calendar options selected for the profile. Inventory Calendar is a tool that is used to prevent fatigue from Email Builder deployments.

  1. If the checkbox to use Inventory Calendar is selected, this means that the Inventory Calendar feature in Audience Builder will be available in the profile.

  2. If the checkbox to require a calendar date is selected, any user in the profile must select an Inventory Calendar date when saving a query.

  3. When Inventory Calendar is used, a cumulative Daily Deployment Limit is set which will limit the maximum number of sends a recipient may receive across deployment types.

  4. A cumulative Weekly Deployment Limit must also be set to limit the maximum number of sends a recipient may receive in a week across deployment types.

  5. The cumulative send limit method will determine how the Daily and Weekly limits are determined. You can choose to total the send limit across ALL deployment types in the profile or across a specific group of deployment types in the profile.

  6. Lastly individual limits for each deployment type may be set. If no individual limits are set only the cumulative limits will be applied.

Output Rules

Lastly, you can choose to require a Deployment Type be selected when outputting to an FTP site from Audience Builder or opt to have a user confirm the opt outs for a deployment type when that deployment type is selected in a query.

What’s Next

After a new Profile is created, the profile should be immediately available in the Navigation to select. Many default fields will already be available to query in Audience Builder, but you may need to use the Configure Audience Builder tool so the appropriate Demographics, Behaviors, and Products are available for your users to query. If this option is not available to you, you may need to submit a support request to complete.