CDP - Personalization – Archiving & Restoring

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Personalization Archiving

Archiving allows you to remove a personalization from the table, without deleting it entirely. This helps keep the list of active/drafted personalizations clean, while still allowing you to access reports for these jobs and to clone them. Once archived, the personalization job goes into a separate table that you can access from the ‘Edit an Existing Personalization’ box using the ‘View Archived’ button. Each personalization type will have it’s own archives with all of the same functionality outlined below.



Archiving an Individual Personalization

There are two ways you can archive an individual personalization.

  • From the edit screen: Once you have initially saved a personalization, the ‘Archive’ button will appear below the WYSIWYG screen. Any time you are in the ‘edit’ screen for this personalization you will have the option to click ‘Archive’.

  • From the Actions Drop-down: Selecting ‘Archive’ will move the individual personalization job to the archived list.

Note: If you archive an active personalization, it will immediately suspend the personalization job.

Archiving All Personalization Jobs Passed End Date

Once at least one of your personalization jobs has a status of ‘Passed End Date’ you have the option to ‘Archive All Passed End Date’ jobs. This button will appear in red to the right of ‘View Archived’.

This will take all of the personalization jobs in the current list that have a status of ‘Passed End Date’ and move them all to the archived list.

Viewing Your Archived Personalization Jobs

Clicking ‘View Archived’ will take you to the list of archived jobs. (Each personalization type will have its own archives.) This table details each of the archived Personalizations in the same way as the drafted/live table does (with the exception of a status column):

  • Name

  • Position

  • Frequency

  • Date

  • Created By

  • Actions

Actions Drop-down for Archived Personalizations

There are a limited set of actions you can perform on an archived personalization. These include:

  • Edit: This will open the personalization job in the WYSIWYG editor. You can make changes and restore the personalization (see ‘Restoring a Personalization’ below).

  • Test: This will launch the personalization job in your current window so that you can see what it looks like without having to open it in the WYSIWYG editor.

  • View Report: This will take you to the reporting section of Personalization. For more information on the reports, see Personalization Reporting

Restoring a Personalization

Archiving a personalization job is not a permanent action. You can restore a personalization back to the drafted/active list at any time.

  • First go into your archived list.

  • Next, select the personalization job you want to restore and click ‘Edit’ from the Actions drop-down.

  • Within the edit screen, you will see a button beneath the WYSIWYG editor on the left that says ‘Restore to Pending’

Once you click ‘Restore to Pending’, you’ll need to confirm that you want to restore this personalization job. Once you confirm, the job will be restored back to the Active/Drafted list with a ‘Paused’ status. The priority of the archived personalization will be retained when it moves back to the Active/Drafted list and it will drop any current personalizations down one priority.

NOTE: Personalization is only available to users who are CDP customers with Omeda.