Olytics Comprehensive Lookup

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An api available to our olytics clients.

For a given global database, this API can be used to return all of the active olytics fields and their valid values on the database. These are the fields / values that the user has been passing to us in their olytics.fire() API calls.

This api can be used to help in building an external lead gen tool.

General Technical Requirements

The following technical requirements apply to all requests for this API.

Base Resource URI

Production: https://ows.omeda.com/webservices/rest/brand/{brandAbbreviation}/olytics/comp/* Testing: https://ows.omedastaging.com/webservices/rest/brand/{brandAbbreviation}/olytics/comp/*

brandAbbreviation is the abbreviation for the brand

HTTP Headers

The HTTP header must contain the following elements: x-omeda-appid a unique id provided to you by Omeda to access your data. The request will fail without a valid id. content-type a content type supported by this resource. See Supported Content Types for more details. If omitted, the default content type is application/json.

Content Type

The content type is application/json. JSON application/json

JSON is the preferred data exchange format, because it is lightweight and, in most cases, faster to process and utilizes less bandwidth. There are many available open-source JSON libraries available. See json.org for details.

Supported HTTP Methods

There is one HTTP method supported: GET See W3C’s GET specs for details.

Look Up Olytics Attribute Types / Attribute Values

Retrieves the olytics fields (BehaviorAttributeTypes) and valid values (BehaviorAttributeValues) for a given global database

Field Definition

The following tables describe the hierarchical data elements.

In addition to the below elements, a SubmissionId element will also be returned with all responses. This is a unique identifier for the web services response. It can be used to cross-reference the response in Omeda’s database.


Element Name


Data Type


Element Name


Data Type





an array containing the behavior attribute type elements.

BehaviorAttributeTypes Elements

Element Name


Data Type


Element Name


Data Type





The name of the field (behavior attribute type). Some common values would be “Olytics Category” or “Olytics Tag”.




An array of the open-text fields that have been passed to us from the olytics.fire() function for the given Behavior Attribute Type.

Success Example

{ "BehaviorAttributeTypes": [{ "BehaviorAttributeType": "Olytics Category", "BehaviorAttributeValues": [{ "BehaviorAttributeValue": "Omeda Website" }, { "BehaviorAttributeValue": "Omeda Website News Article" }, { "BehaviorAttributeValue": "OX1 Registration" }] }, { "BehaviorAttributeType": "Olytics Tag", "BehaviorAttributeValues": [{ "BehaviorAttributeValue": "Omeda Website | About Page" }, { "BehaviorAttributeValue": "Omeda Website | Contact Us Page" }, { "BehaviorAttributeValue": "Omeda Website | Services Page" }, { "BehaviorAttributeValue": "Omeda Website | Home Page" }, { "BehaviorAttributeValue": "Omeda Website News Article | Omeda Introduces Olytics" }, { "BehaviorAttributeValue": "Omeda Website | Privacy Policy Page" }, { "BehaviorAttributeValue": "Omeda Website News Article | PCMA chooses Omeda" }, { "BehaviorAttributeValue": "Omeda Website News Article | GEN chooses Omeda" }, { "BehaviorAttributeValue": "Omeda Website News Article | Omeda acquires Sunbelt Fulfillment" }, { "BehaviorAttributeValue": "Omeda Website News Article | Omeda acquires Hallmark" }, { "BehaviorAttributeValue": "Registration Form" }, { "BehaviorAttributeValue": "Registration Form Confirmation Page" }] }], "SubmissionId": "37E470CD-E010-4233-8907-A889ABB387AB" }