Reports – Audience Overlap Report

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Audience Overlap Report

Within Audience Builder, you now have an option to run an Audience Overlap Report.  This can be found in the Audience Builder menu bar under “Report”.  This report allows you to select up to 5 saved queries to see how the audiences within those queries overlap, resulting in a Venn diagram.  Venn diagrams enable you to organize your audiences visually so you are able to see the relationships between two or more sets of data.  This can help you identify similarities and differences between your segments.



When you select this option from the Audience Builder report drop down, you can search for your saved queries you’d like to run this against. Click to select the queries you want included.


Once you select the queries you want to see overlap, scroll down within the Audience Overlap modal.  As you select the queries, the report will populate.  It will provide a Venn Diagram of the overlap as well as Total Unique Counts, Selected Query Counts, and the Query Overlap counts.

You can also hover over one of the intersects to see the overlap counts visually.

Currently, to select the queries you want, you’ll need to be able to group them within your search.  In the example, the saved queries have a common keyword to search on, so the results all come up using a single search criteria.  You can also make a selection of your first query, change your search criteria in order to find a second query, and so on.

Use Cases:

  • See how many contacts at certain companies are active subscribers

  • Check the overlap of active personalization jobs

  • Email engagement vs your active audience

  • Product overlap

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