Audience Builder (OnQ) – Date Field Definitions

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There are many date fields in Audience Builder that allow you to identify and segment your customers based on the date they took an action.

If you are an Audience Builder Admin, use this User Guide to configure these different date fields to your field library and outputs. If you are not an Audience Builder Admin, submit a request to have date fields configured to your field library and outputs.

Name of Date Field

Location in Field Library


Use Case

Ability to Output

Available in Audience Search

Name of Date Field

Location in Field Library


Use Case

Ability to Output

Available in Audience Search

Original Customer Date

Customer Contact

This date field will display the date a record originated. If customer records are merged, the oldest Original Customer Date will be retained.

Target these customers that are brand new to your database with a welcome series campaign.



Customer Created Date

Customer Contact

This date field will display the date that Omeda creates the Customer ID for a record in the database. The date is tied to the origin of that Customer ID, not necessarily the customer itself.




Most Recent Engagement Date

Customer Contact

This date field will display the most recent activity based on Email Opened, Subscription Verification, Behavior and Olytics. This field is based on Customer ID.

Identify the most or least engaged audience members. This will be useful to create and track KPI’s, build profiles and personas, drive re-engagement campaigns and database clean-up.



Last Change Date

Customer Contact

This date field will display the date the customer record was last changed or modified. Any change to either a subscription or address change will be reflected in this date.




Customer Sign-Up Date


This date field will display when the transaction is added for processing.




First Order Date


This date field will display when the customer subscribed to a specific product.

Target these customers that are brand new to a product with a welcome series campaign.



Verification Date


This date field will display when the customer subscribed/renewed to a specific product.

Target these customers that are up for renewal with a subscription series campaign.



Demographic Date


This date field will display when the customer updated their demographics.

Target customers with an old demographic date with a progressive profiling series campaign.



Profile Created Date

Customer Contact

This is the date the Customer has entered *or* reentered into a Profile.

Because a customer can enter, exit and reenter a profile, Audience Builder is designed to query the most recent date a customer has entered into the profile.

That said, the date field used in Audience Builder query is actually the change date.

The created date will store the first time a customer enters into a profile, which will never change.

The change date (or) most recent profile date only changes when a customer exits and reenters.

Know when and how many new customers have entered into a profile.



Activation Date


This Date field tracks the date a controlled Magazine record or Newsletter record becomes active.

Can be used to view when newsletter records were activated and started to receive the newsletter.



Deactivation Date


The Date field tracks the date an active controlled magazine or newsletter record is deactivated.

Can be used to view to see when newsletter records were deactivated and no longer received the newsletter.



Email Created Date

Customer Contact

This date is the date an email address was added to the Database

To track age of email address through customer merges.



Paid Specific Date Fields

Name of Date Field

Location in Field Library


Use Case

Ability to Output

Available in Audience Search

Name of Date Field

Location in Field Library


Use Case

Ability to Output

Available in Audience Search

Rollup Expire Date


This date field rollls up all of a record’s orders for a specific product, both active and pending, to show when the record will next expire and need to be renewed.

Used to identify the records expiring in the coming months for a renewal series.



Expected Expire Date

Products, under Paid Subscriptions

This date field is the date a record’s current active order is expected to expire. This field doesn’t include any pending orders.

Can be used to query records by current expire to compare to the renewal reports.



CC Expiration Date

Products, under Paid Subscriptions

This date field allows you to search when a subscriber’s credit card is set to expire. We record the credit card’s expiring month and year. Note a Credit card doesn’t expire until the last day of the month its set to expire.

Can be used to identify records who have an expired credit card and is going to be auto-renewed in the coming month.



Date Entered

Products, under Paid Subscriptions

This date field is the date the order was entered into the database.

Can be used to identify when a record was processed or keyed into the database to make sure it was loaded before an issue close date.

Yes, found as Order Date, not Date Entered


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