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The Deployment Add Audience API provides the ability add a previously uploaded list of customers to a deployment.


The Deployment Add Audience API provides the ability add a previously uploaded list of customers to a deployment (See Deployment Audience List FTP for information on uploading a list into the Omail system).

Your list must have a unique column containing email addresses. The header for this column must be one of the following (not case sensitive): ’email’, ’email_address’, ’email-address’, or ’emailaddress’. Multiple email headers are not allowed. For example, if your file had a column ’email_address’ and another column named ’email’, than you would receive an error.

Calling this service will trigger a list assignment process and return a unique ‘ListId’, as well as a Url that can be used to monitor the status of the list assignment process (See Audience Assignment Status API).

Recipient List Restrictions:

An audience list name cannot be used more than once for a single deployment. If you assign an audience list to a deployment, remove the the list, and try to re-add a new list with the same name, you will get an error. The appropriate series of events would be to remove the list from the deployment, change the list appropriately, and then give that list a new unique name before adding the list to the deployment. This is a security measure to insure deployment recipient list accuracy.

Recipient lists must be appended a timestamp of the format ‘_yyyyMMdd_HHmmss’. Examples of valid file names would be ‘subscriberlist1_20120809_064500.csv’ and ‘subscriber_list_1_20120809_164500.txt’. When uploading a new file programmatically, you will need to append the current date and time to your file name before uploading it to your Omail FTP folder. This is a security measure to insure deployment recipient list accuracy.

An HTTP POST request is used when assigning a list to a deployment.

Base Resource URI

Code Block
For Production, use:{brandAbbreviation}/omail/deployment/audience/add/*

For Testing, use:{brandAbbreviation}/omail/deployment/audience/add/*

brandAbbreviation is the abbreviation for the brand to which the data is being posted.

Technical Requirements

The HTTP header must contain the following elements: x-omeda-appid a unique id provided to you by Omeda to access your data. The request will fail without a valid id. content-type a content type supported by this resource. See Supported Content Types for more details. If omitted, the default content type is application/json.

Supported Content Types

If omitted, the default content type is application/json. JSON application/json

JSON is the preferred data exchange format, because it is lightweight and, in most cases, faster to process and utilizes less bandwidth. There are many available open-source JSON libraries available. See for details.

Supported HTTP Methods

There is one HTTP method supported: POST See W3C’s POST specs for details.

POST method is used when assigning a list to a deployment split that does not have an existing list attached.

Field Definition

The following tables describe the hierarchical data elements.

List Elements

Attribute Name


Data Type





UserId of the omail account authorized for this deployment. This is generally the ‘OwnerUserId’ specified in the Deployment Api




TrackId is the unique identifier for the deployment. NOTE for testing: the Staging environment has different TrackIds than the production environment.




0 = Do not apply default brand level suppressions. 1 = Apply default brand level suppressions. For digital deployments the default value is ‘0’ and the field does not need to be included in your API call. For non-digital deployments the field is allowed and if it is not specified will default to ‘1’ (on).




List of attributes for each audience list if multiple Add Audience requests are sent in one call. If specified – none of following attributes should appear at the top level of JSON data. When using multiple list API call – all referenced splits must be already created by the time of call.




The name of the list to attach to the deployment. Only lists that have been uploaded into the Deployment Audience List FTP are available. List must be either .csv or .txt format and must be comma-delimited. Either RecipientList or QueryName must be specified in your API call.




The name of the list to attach to the deployment. Omail Outputs will end with a .csv file extenstion. Either RecipientList, OmailOutput, or QueryName must be specified in your API call.




If not specified – uploaded list is the first and only list on the split designated by SplitNumber attribute. If specified – uploaded list will be appended to existing list on the split. Valid Values are 1 to number of existing lists in deployment.




The name of the customer query to attach to the deployment. Is used in conjunction with OutputCritera to determine what fields will be made available for each customer in your query. Either RecipientList or QueryName must be specified in your API call.  




The name of the output criteria to be used in conjunction with the onq query. If ‘QueryName’ is specified in the api call, and OutputCriteria is not, the default output criteria will be used. The default output criteria is: ‘customer_id’, ’email’, first_name, last_name, ‘title’, ‘company_name’, ‘phone’,’street_1′, ‘street_2’, ‘city’, ‘state_province_code’, ‘zip_postal_code’, ‘country’, ’email_address_id’, and ‘encrypted_customer_id’.You can define reusable custom output criteria in the onq output screen.  




The split number the list will be assigned to. Can be one more than number of splits in deployment in which case next split will be added to deployment automatically.




0 = Do not remove duplicate emails from the list, 1 = Remove duplicate emails from the list. Not required and ignored when ListNumber attribute is specified (all lists in combined list have the same RemoveDuplicates setting).




0 = Do not suppress emails by hard bounce filter, 1 = Suppress emails in the list by hard bounce filter (default behavior)




You may opt to provide an array of webhook urls. When your list or query is finished uploading, our system will make an http request to those URL(s). If the first callback attempt fails, we will retry an additional 2 more times, each at 2 minute intervals for a total of 3 attempts. The JSON payload we pass to the webhook URL will have the same format as the Assignment Status Service. Please note that both DONE and WARNING can be considered “successful” statuses for the upload.

  • ”Audience” attribute should be used to send multiple Add Audience requests in one API call. All following attributes (“RecipientList” to “SuppressHardBounces”) must be specified separately for each audience then, see examples below.

Request Examples

POST JSON Request Example: When adding an a single audience list to a deployment

Code Block
    "UserId" : "omailAccount1",
    "TrackId": "FOO0102003002",
    "RecipientList": "customer_list_april_2017_20170418_143500.csv",
    "SplitNumber": 1,
    "RemoveDuplicates": 1

POST JSON Request Example: When adding an a single Omail Output to a deployment

Code Block
    "UserId" : "omailAccount1",
    "TrackId": "FOO0102003002",
    "OmailOutput": "customer_list.csv",
    "SplitNumber": 1,
    "RemoveDuplicates": 1

POST JSON Request Example: When adding an a single Query to a deployment

Code Block
    "UserId" : "omailAccount1",
    "TrackId": "FOO0102003002",
    "QueryName": "My Onq Query",
    "OutputCriteria": "OmailOutput1",
    "SplitNumber": 1,
    "RemoveDuplicates": 1,
    "SuppressHardBounces": 1

POST JSON Request Example: When adding an a single Query to a deployment and specifying a callback url

Code Block
    "UserId" : "omailAccount1",
    "TrackId": "FOO0102003002",
    "QueryName": "My Onq Query",
    "OutputCriteria": "OmailOutput1",
    "SplitNumber": 1,
    "RemoveDuplicates": 1,
    "SuppressHardBounces": 1,
    "CallbackURLs": [""]

POST JSON Request Example: When adding multiple lists to a deployment

Code Block
    "UserId" : "omailAccount1",
    "TrackId": "FOO0102003002",
    "Audience" : [
	    "RecipientList": "customer_list_april_2012.csv",
	    "SplitNumber": 1,
	    "RemoveDuplicates": 1,
            "SuppressHardBounces": 0
	    "QueryName": "My Onq Query",
	    "OutputCriteria": "OmailOutput1",
	    "SplitNumber": 2,
	    "RemoveDuplicates": 0
	    "RecipientList": "customer_list_april_2012_more.csv",
	    “ListNumber”: 1,
	    "SplitNumber": 1

Response Examples

Responses possible: a successful POST (200 OK Status) or a failed POST (400 Bad Request/403 Forbidden/404 Not Found/405 Method Not Allowed Statuses). See W3C’s Status Codes.

Successful Submission

A successful submission will trigger a either list assignment process, for both a recipient list and a query. In the case of a recipient list, the list assignment process will retrieve the list from the Omail Deployment List FTP site, process it according to specified JSON submitted fields, and assign it to the appropriate deployment split. In the case of a query, the list assignment process will output the fields specified in ‘OutputCriteria’ and assign those customers to your deployment. A successful POST submission will return a url to call the Audience Assignment Status API, the unique ListId for the list being assigned, a unique SubmissionId, and the TrackId for the deployment specified. In case of multiple lists submission call – the return url and unique ListId for each list being assigned and returned. In case of multiple lists submission – the url to check assignment status and unique ListId for each list being assigned are returned.

JSON Example, single list submission

Code Block
   "TrackId": "FOO0200300112",
   "ListId": "1000343",
   "Url": "*",
   "SubmissionId" : "C95AE90C-BEC6-41F2-91E2-2BA9168D1D1E"

JSON Example, multiple list submission

Code Block
   "TrackId": "FOO0200300112",
   "SubmissionId" : "C95AE90C-BEC6-41F2-91E2-2BA9168D1D1E",
   "ResponseInfo": [
       "Url": "*",
       "Url": "*",

Failed Submission

Potential errors:

Code Block
The value '{stringField}' for field '{fieldName}' exceeded a max length of {maximumAllowed}.
'{RequiredFieldName}' is a required field.
The Duplicate value '{emailAddress}' submitted for Testers array, field 'EmailAddress'. Tester emails must be unique.
No deployment was found matching trackId '{trackId}'.
Deployment '{trackId}' cannot be edited. Sent, Scheduled , Approved, or Cancelled deployments cannot be edited.
UserId '{ownerUserId}' is not authorized to edit deployment '{trackId}'"
Deployment 'FOO09030021' has been edited from the Omail portal and is not eligible for API access. Last edited by omailAccount2 on 2012-02-04 22:15:00.
Deployment 'FOO09030021'  was created within the Omail portal and is not eligible for API access."
Recipient list {listname} is not a valid file type. Valid file types are .csv and .txt
The following brand subdirectory : '\\{brandAbbreviation}' does not exist in your Omail ftp folder. Files must be placed in the appropriate brand subdirectory in order to be processed.
We could not find the following file : '"\\{brandAbbreviation}\\{fileName} in your Omail ftp folder.
Please verify that your file has been placed in the proper brand folder in your Omail FTP folder.
Split {splitNumber} does not exist for deployment {trackId}. Deployment '{trackId}' has only 1 split.
Split 1 already has recipient list '{listName}' assigned on {assignmentDate}. You must first remove '{listName}' before assigning a list to split 1.
A recipient list with the name '{listName}' has been used previously for this deployment on {assignmentDate}.
Recipient list '{listName}' does not have a valid email header. Valid headers are 'email', 'email_address', 'email-address', and 'emailaddress'.
Recipient list '{listName}' has more than one email header defined: '{firstEmailHeader}','{secondEmailHeader}'.
Value '1' for field 'ApplyBrandLevelDefaultSuppressions' is not allowed for digital deployments.

A failed submission may be due to several factors:



400 Bad Request

Typically, this error occurs when the request does not follow the specifications. An example would be if a call is made to add a list to a split that already has a list assigned.

403 Forbidden

Typically, this error occurs when the credentials are erroneous. Potentially, an incorrect x-omeda-appid.

404 Not Found

Typically, this error occurs with a malformed URL or the resource that is searched for is not found. This can occur if a TrackId submitted is not found in our system or the requested list is not found on the Omail FTP site in the appropriate folder.

405 Method Not Allowed

Typically, this error occurs when the resource accessed is not allowed by the HTTP Method utilized. Make sure you employ the appropriate HTTP Method (POST or PUT) for this request.

This is not an exhaustive list of errors, but common ones. If an error occurs repeatedly, please contact your Omeda representative.

JSON Example

Code Block
  "Errors" : [
      Error": "You must first remove 'customerlist2.csv' before a new recipient list can be added to split 1." 
      Error":"Recipient list 'zde_emails1.csv' does not have a valid email header. Valid headers are 'email', 'email_address', 'email-address', and 'emailaddress'."
      "Error": "Recipient list 'customerlist1.csv' was not found in brand folder 'FOO' in the Omail FTP site."
      "Error": "Recipient list 'customerlist1.xls' is not a valid file type. Valid file types are .csv and .txt"
  "SubmissionId" : "C95AE90C-BEC6-41F2-91E2-2BA9168D1D1F"	

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