Versions Compared


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The Metering Authorize functions can be used to allow your site visitors to bypass a Meter once they’ve completed a form. With this method an “authorized” flag will be associated to the visitor’s cookie via a Javascript function that must be placed on the last page of the form. Unlike the product based implementation, the visitor’s product membership data will not be used to determine whether they will no longer be Metered. This allows for added flexibility when using an Omeda Form Builder form because forms built around behaviors or other non-product attributes can now be used within Meters. The authorize function can also be used on third party forms where Olytics is implemented.

It is important to note that the Authorize flag will expire for each visitor per the setting configured in the “Configuration” tab of the Meter labelled, “An authorized Visitor must re-authorize after”.

Authorize Function for Iframed or Embedded Form Builder Forms

If the form for the Meter is iframed within a Meter Message, the below function should be used, where meter-identifier represents the Meter Id that displays within the configuration tab.

Code Block

When this function is fired the following will occur:

  1. The visitor will be authorized to bypass the meter

  2. Returns the visitor’s encrypted customer id to the parent site and closes the Meter Message.

When this function is used a close-confirm function should not be used on the form and the form should be set to Process Immediately.

For ease of use, we’ve provided an example of the full script that can be inserted into the head of the last page of the Form Builder form. Again, please note that the ‘meter-identifier’ must be replaced in the below script with the correct identifier for the meter.

Code Block
// this UID is different for each meter:
var olyEncMeterId = 'meter-identifier';

if( document.readyState !== 'loading' ) {

    if(document.getElementById("olyticsImport")) {
    } else {

} else {

    window.onload = function() {

        if(document.getElementById("olyticsImport")) {
        } else {
            document.getElementById("olyticsImport").onload = function(){

If you’d like the modal to wait three seconds after the form is submitted before closing, please use the script below as a guide.

Code Block
// this UID is different for each meter:
var olyEncMeterId = 'meter-identifier';

if( document.readyState !== 'loading' ) {

    if(document.getElementById("olyticsImport")) {
	}, 3000);
    } else {
                }, 3000);

} else {

    window.onload = function() {

        if(document.getElementById("olyticsImport")) {

                }, 3000);

        } else {
            document.getElementById("olyticsImport").onload = function(){
                }, 3000);

Authorize Function for Linked Form Builder Forms

If the form for the Meter is linked from a Meter Message, the below function should be used, where meter-identifier represents the Meter Id that displays within the configuration tab and redirectUrl represents the url the visitor should be returned to after the form is submitted. The visitor’s encrypted customer id (oly_enc_id) should be appended to the redirectUrl.

Code Block
olytics.authorizeAndRedirect('meter-identifier', 'redirectUrl');

When this function is fired the following will occur:

  1. The visitor will be authorized to bypass the meter

  2. The visitor is directed to the url stored in the redirectUrl variable

For ease of use, we’ve provided an example of the full script that can be inserted into the head or header of the last page of the Form Builder form. Again, please note that the ‘meter-identifier’ and ‘redirectUrl’ must be replaced in the below script with the correct identifier for the meter and the return url. The form must also be set to Process Immediately.

Code Block

// this UID is different for each meter:
var olyEncMeterId = 'meter-identifier';

if( document.readyState !== 'loading' ) {

    if(document.getElementById("olyticsImport")) {
        window.olytics.authorizeAndRedirect(olyEncMeterId, 'redirectUrl');
    } else {
        	window.olytics.authorizeAndRedirect(olyEncMeterId , 'redirectUrl');

} else {

    window.onload = function() {

        if(document.getElementById("olyticsImport")) {
        	window.olytics.authorizeAndRedirect(olyEncMeterId, 'redirectUrl');
        } else {
            document.getElementById("olyticsImport").onload = function(){
            	window.olytics.authorizeAndRedirect(olyEncMeterId, 'redirectUrl');

When using this function, you may want to populate the redirectUrl using merge variables. To do so the following script should be placed within an Export URL element with the type ‘Other’.

Code Block

// this UID is different for each meter:
var olyEncMeterId = 'meter-identifier';

if( document.readyState !== 'loading' ) {

    if(document.getElementById("olyticsImport")) {
        window.olytics.authorizeAndRedirect(olyEncMeterId, 'redirectUrlMergeVariable?oly_enc_id=%%0.2.110%%');
    } else {
        	window.olytics.authorizeAndRedirect(olyEncMeterId , 'redirectUrlMergeVariable?oly_enc_id=%%0.2.110%%');

} else {

    window.onload = function() {

        if(document.getElementById("olyticsImport")) {
        	window.olytics.authorizeAndRedirect(olyEncMeterId, 'redirectUrlMergeVariable?oly_enc_id=%%0.2.110%%');
        } else {
            document.getElementById("olyticsImport").onload = function(){
            	window.olytics.authorizeAndRedirect(olyEncMeterId, 'redirectUrlMergeVariable?oly_enc_id=%%0.2.110%%');

Authorize Function for Third-Party Forms

If the form for the Meter is hosted by a third party, the below function should be used, where meter-identifier represents the Meter Id that displays within the configuration tab.

Code Block
The third party form site must have Olytics implemented and the visitor’s anonymous or encrypted id must be passed to the metered site.

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AdRoll Event Based Audiences is the latest in a series of pixel-based integrations available to Omeda CDP (Olytics) clients. This integration connects the Omeda Olytics tracking with the AdRoll pixel, allowing you to target and segment your audiences in Audience Builder, then sync those audiences to your AdRoll account. In this way, our CDP clients can target specific anonymous and known customers from their website(s) with targeted ads through AdRoll.

Setup – AdRoll Pixel

The first step to having this integration set up is to ensure the AdRoll Pixel is running on the site(s) that you want to connect with. For instructions on setting up and activating your AdRoll pixel, please visit the AdRoll support page here.

Setup – Omeda

Once your AdRoll pixel has been set up, you can finish the integration on the Omeda side. To get started, click the AdRoll Event Based Audiences icon from the integrations page.

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Step 1 – Add a New Site

Setting up individual sites allows you to connect your various domains into your pixel(s).

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To set up a new site, you’ll need to set up a site domain and then save:

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As each of the domains is saved, they will appear in a list – along with the count the events you have set up on the site, the username who created the site and an action menu.

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Clicking into any one of the sites will bring you to the AdRoll Audience Event list.

Step 2 – Creating new AdRoll Pixel Event

Once a domain has been saved, you’ll have the option to create a new event.

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Entering your Credentials:

Once you click ‘Create New’ you will be prompted to enter your AdRoll credentials.

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Clicking ‘Confirm’ in the lower left hand corner will connect Omeda to your AdRoll account – you will remain logged in until you log out of the Omeda platform.

Naming your new Audience Sync:

Once you have successfully validated your Adroll credentials, you will land on the ‘General’ tab where you can enter the name of your Audience Sync and provide a description (optional).

If you have multiple AdRoll accounts tied to your login, you will have the option of selecting which account this Sync will be tied to using the AdRoll Advertiser Account dropdown.

Note: The AdRoll Pixel Id automatically pulls in based on your account login and cannot be changed. Additionally, once you have named the Audience Sync and Saved this step, you will not be able to change the name of the audience sync. This is due to the way that it is stored within AdRoll.

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Additional Audience Sync Details

Once you have saved the name and description, you’ll have additional tabs of information available to you to complete the audience sync setup. These include:

  • Settings

  • URL Targeting

  • Audience Targeting

In settings, you’ll be able to set the start and end date/time, along with how the visitor needs to be on the site before they are passed to the pixel.

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In URL Targeting, you are able to set up the Urls that the AdRoll Pixel will target and/or exclude.

Identical to the metering setup, you can target/exclude Url patterns, specific page(s), Url parameters, and specific entry points.

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Once the URLs have been set up, you can move on to Audience Targeting.

  • Known and Anonymous – This will target all visitors who come to the site and stay for at least the specified duration.

  • Anonymous – This will only pass along the anonymous visitors to the site

  • Known – This will only pass along all known visitors to the site

  • Audience Builder Audience(s) – This allows you to select saved audience segments from your data base

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Once you’ve passed through each tab, you can save the changes, archive the audience sync, delete the sync, and/or save and activate the job from the General tab.

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Editing an Existing Audience Sync

Within each site, there will be a list of all non-archived AdRoll Audience Syncs. You’ll also be able to see the corresponding Pixel Code (automatically pulled in based on the provided AdRoll login), the Id, Status, who it was created by, and the Actions dropdown.

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To edit an existing audience sync, you can either click the name or select ‘Edit’ from the actions dropdown.

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Once you’re in edit mode you will be able to edit anything from the following tabs: Settings, URL Targeting, Audience Targeting. The edits you can make in the General tab are limited to the following fields:

  • AdRoll Advertiser Account*

  • Olytics Site

  • Description

*you can only edit the advertiser account until the sync is activated. Once it has been activated, you will be unable to change the account.

Reporting on Pixel Activity

There are two levels of reporting available for the AdRoll Event Based Audiences integration:

  1. Site level – This will combine the audiences from all of the underlying events

  2. Event level – This will only report back on the individual Audience Sync

Site Level Reporting

To view the site level reports, select ‘View Report’ from the actions dropdown to the right of the Site

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The following reports are available at the site level:

  • Site level Visitor Syncs (Last 90 Days)

  • Total Anonymous Visitor Syncs Per Event Audience (Last 90 Days)

  • Unique Anonymous Visitor Syncs Per Event Audience (Last 90 Days)

  • Total Known Visitor Syncs Per Event Audience (Last 90 Days)

  • Unique Known Visitor Syncs Per Event Audience (Last 90 Days)

  • Top X Referring Sites (Last 90 Days)*

  • Site-Level Unique Visitor Syncs Per State (When Location Available)*

  • Syncs per Hour*

*Available at both the site and event level

You can export the series of reports using the “Output to PDF” button in the upper left-hand corner of the report itself.

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Site Level Visitor Syncs (Last 90 Days)

This report will show all of the website visitors to the site who were synced to AdRoll regardless of which audience sync they were part of. You’ll have lines for each of the following:

  • Total Known Syncs (all known visitors who have visited your site – count is 1 per site visit, per day)

  • Unique Known Syncs (all known visitors who have visited your site – count is 1 per person per day, regardless of how many times they visited)

  • Total Anonymous Visitor Syncs (all anonymous visitors who have visited your site – count is 1 per site visit, per day)

  • Unique Anonymous Visitor Syncs (all anonymous visitors who have visited your site – count is 1 per person per day, regardless of how many times they visited)

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Total Anonymous Visitor Syncs Per Event Audience / Unique Anonymous Visitor Syncs Per Event Audience (Last 90 Days)

These 2 reports look the same. The Total Anonymous report will show the total anonymous visitors who were synced, per day, per event audience. This will count each visit as 1, so if the same person comes back 3 times on a single day, they will be counted 3 times. Alternatively, the Unique version of this report will only show how many people were synced per event audience per day – regardless of how many times they came to the site. In this case, someone who visits the site 3 times in a single day will only be counted as 1.

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Total Known Visitor Syncs Per Event Audience / Unique Known Visitor Syncs Per Event Audience (Last 90 Days)

These 2 reports look the same. The Total Known report will show the total known visitors who were synced, per day, per event audience. This will count each visit as 1, so if the same person comes back 3 times on a single day, they will be counted 3 times. Alternatively, the Unique version of this report will only show how many people were synced per event audience per day – regardless of how many times they came to the site. In this case, someone who visits the site 3 times in a single day will only be counted as 1.

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Top X Referring Sites (Last 90 Days)

This will track the sites that brought both anonymous and known visitors to your site and chart it out so you can see where the majority of your syncing activity is coming from. Note: The number of referring sites will change depending on your audience syncs that you have set up.

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Unique Visitor Syncs Per State (When Location Available)

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This geographic report provides a heat map of the United States and shows where your visitors are from – hovering over each state will provide the actual count

Syncs Per Hour

This unique chart will help you visualize what time(s) of day your pixel had the most traffic, allowing you to launch additional events accordingly.

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Event Level Reporting

To view the event level reports for individual Audience Syncs, select ‘View Report’ from the actions dropdown to the right of the Audience Sync:

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You can also choose ‘View Report’ from the General Tab when you’re in an AdRoll Audience Sync.

The following reports are available at the individual Audience Sync level:

  • Distinct Customer Sync Counts

  • Live Syncs (Last 90 Days)

  • Top X Referring Sites (Last 90 Days)*

  • Site-Level Unique Visitor Syncs Per State (When Location Available)*

  • Syncs per Hour*

*Available at both the site and event level

You can export the series of reports using the “Output to PDF” button in the upper left-hand corner of the report itself.

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NOTE: The counts returned in the event level reports are based on olytics cookie tracking settings. AdRoll’s identification logic is different than that used by olytics. You should expect audience counts in AdRoll to be lower than the values shown within the Omeda-generated reports.

Distinct Customer Sync Counts

This report will show all of the website visitors that your audience sync has passed to AdRoll. They are organized by the following:

  • Known Synced (all known visitors who have synced to this event audience since it was activated)

  • Anonymous Visitor Synced (all anonymous visitors who have synced to this event audience since it was activated)

  • Total Visitors Synced (the sum of all anonymous and known visitors who have been synced to the event audience since it was activated)

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Live Syncs (Last 90 Days)

This report will show all of the visitors who were synced as part of this audience with a daily breakdown. You’ll have lines for each of the following:

  • Total Known Syncs (all known visitors who have visited your site – count is 1 per site visit, per day)

  • Unique Known Syncs (all known visitors who have visited your site – count is 1 per person per day, regardless of how many times they visited)

  • Total Anonymous Visitor Syncs (all anonymous visitors who have visited your site – count is 1 per site visit, per day)

  • Unique Anonymous Visitor Syncs (all anonymous visitors who have visited your site – count is 1 per person per day, regardless of how many times they visited)

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Top X Referring Sites (Last 90 Days)

This will track the sites that brought the visitors to your site and chart it out so you can see where the majority of your syncing activity is coming from. Note: The number of referring sites will change depending on your audience syncs that you have set up.

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Unique Visitor Syncs Per State (When Location Available)

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This geographic report provides a heat map of the United States and shows where your visitors are from – hovering over each state will provide the actual count

Syncs Per Hour

This unique chart will help you visualize what time(s) of day your pixel had the most traffic, allowing you to launch additional events accordingly.

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Note: Future enhancements to this integration will also allow for additional tracking within Audience Builder.

For more information regarding our CDP solution, for help with strategic planning, or for questions on setup and implementation, contact our client success team at

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