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Release Notes for V21.




Client-Facing API Usage Report
A new client facing report has been developed to recap API usage over a designated time period. The data will be broken out by successful calls, failures and total calls, allowing problems to be identified quickly. This report will require authorization to access it.

The API Usage Report can be found in the Data Reports Section of the Reports & Analytics UI

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Add LastPaymentDate and LastPaymentAmount fields to Subscription/Customer Lookup API’s
New fields have been added to both the Subscription and Customer look up API’s. Lastpaymentdate and lastpaymentamount will now be returned when the API’s are called.

Create New “Gift Lookup by Donor ID” API
A new API has been created that will allow the user to pass Donor ID and return relevant info about the gift recipient(s) and their subscription(s).

Audience Builder

Olytics Action Counter Displayed in Query Conditions
The selection criteria for the Olytics Action count will now be displayed on the RHS of the Audience Builder Query. This will allow users easy access to this information without having to navigate to the LHS to find the selection folder to see it.

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Designation Field Added as a Query Option in Audience Builder
The Designation field will be available as a query field in Audience Builder. The designation field is unique to the email deployment and opt out type of products.

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Make New Dashboard Default Homepage
Upon login, users will no longer be directed to the legacy dashboards but will instead go to the new dashboards (legacy dashboards will still be accessible via link on the new dashboards page).

Email Builder

Expanded Character Limit for the Deployment Defaults Web Tracking URL Field
In Deployment Defaults, the Web Tracking URL field has been expanded to store up to 1500 characters.

Email Builder and Odyssey WYSIWYG Editor Version Update
The Email Builder and Odyssey WYSIWYG editor has been updated to the newest version.

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Form Builder

New Form Builder Element Added for Original Order Date
An element has been added to Form Builder Standard Fields to display the date a subscription was first ordered.

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New Form Builder Elements for Last Payment Date and Last Payment Amount
Elements have been added to Form Builder Form Elements > Payment to display the date and amount of only the most recent payment.

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New Form Builder Element to Display Number of Issues Remaining
An element has been added to Form Builder Form Elements > Payment to display the number of issues remaining on a given subscription.

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Add Postal Account Number, Term, and Transaction Key elements for Confirmation Page
Elements have been added to Form Builder to display Account Number, Subscription Term, and Transaction Key on confirmation pages/emails. (Standard Fields > Account Number, Form Elements > Payment > Term, Standard Fields > Transaction Key)

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Add PayPal Pay Now as Payment Type to Form Builder
PayPal Pay Now is now an available payment option for paid forms (note: this does not include recurring payments via “PayPal Subscribe.”)

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New Email Designer Options to Disable or Reverse Mobile Stacking
The designer tool in Odyssey, will now allow users to disable or reverse mobile stacking.

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Requirements for Published Voyage Status Changes Have Been Loosened
The requirements for a published voyage have been loosened so that email elements can be published if only the deployment type is selected.

Update to Done Status Handling for Static Voyages Where an Element Will Not Be Visited
Odyssey Voyages that contain one or more elements that will not be visited due to an unmet condition will now move to the done status if all other visited elements are done.

New A/B Test Element for Static Voyages
A new element, A/B Test, will now be available for static voyages. Within this element, users can select the Audience Test Size and the Win Condition as well as a test time period. When passengers reach this element, the test audience will receive one of the connected Emails. After the test period has elapsed, the winning email will be chosen, and the remaining passengers will advance to the winning email.

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Metering Testing Enhancements to Provide Simplified Testing Option and Instruction Updates
The Metering Tester tab will now include a simplified tester option so users can test the Meter Message flow, without creating a specific Tester record. The instructions have also been updated for clarity.

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Audience Builder

Ability to Save a Query Field That Uses a Query Field
The restriction to save a query field that contains a query field has been lifted, allowing users to save 1 level of “nesting” in a query. This should simplify the building of some advanced multi group queries for our users. 

Olytics “Page Title” Search Requires 3 Characters
A search limitation has been placed on the “Page Title” search in the Olytics section. Users are required to use at least 3 characters to perform the search.

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Data Science Added to Audience Builder to Query
The Data Science Fields of Email Engagement, Overall Engagement, and Web Engagement have been added to Audience Builder allowing for deeper analytics of customer data. These fields are currently available in beta for a smaller test group of clients and will eventually be opened up to a larger group.

Form Builder

Allow Export URL to Post With Body
Form Builder now supports an additional content type when exporting to an HTTP post, allowing for integrations with different APIs such as Convertr.

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Lead Scoring

New Product Lead Scoring
A new product has been developed for internal and external access called Lead Scoring.  This new product will require authorization in settings to “Lead Scoring” for users to see this new UI. The UI itself will be located in the Campaigns Tab and will allow users to set up rules to score Leads. These rules can be set up based on customer engagement like Email Opens, Email Clicks, Form Submits, and Web Page Visits or they can be based on other metrics like Demographics or Product Membership. Once a Lead Scoring Event is set you will easily be able to see the max score a Customer can achieve if they meet the qualifications for the max score for each Rule by looking at the “Max score” field. Then after the Lead Scoring field is configured into the Audience Builder LFS and the job has run (nightly job) these Leads can be queried in Audience Builder. Some details to note: A Customer can only qualify for single Condition within a Rule. If a Customer meets more than one condition at the time the score is calculated they will be given credit for the one with the Max Score. Several of the same Rule Type can exist for a single Lead Scoring Event but there cannot be duplicates for same exact qualifying condition (deployment type, demographic, etc.)

View from the Campaigns tab.

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A set up and activated Lead Scoring job.

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A view of scored Leads in Audience Builder. Note the selected Lead Scoring job on the RHS.

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Support Testing Dynamic Content
In the Email Element Testing Pleat, if a Dynamic Content Tag is populated in the HTML, a Dynamic Content Version can be selected for each tester and seed. The tester/seed will receive the test email or seed email with the selected Dynamic Content Version Populated. Each tester can also have multiple versions of the test email sent with different variations of Dynamic Content populated in the test emails.

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Allow Merging Paths from Email Elements to a Wait
Multiple Email elements can now merge into the same Wait element if preceded by a split. This allows audience marketers to further simplify their voyage flow and prevent duplicating elements unnecessarily.

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Audience – Allow Preview of Existing Queries
In the Audience Element, when an existing Audience Builder query is selected, users now have the option to ‘View’ the query from the Audience Builder selection modal.

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Allow Cloning Email With Dynamic Content
The Dynamic Content Tags and Versions will now be included when an Email element or voyage is cloned. This prevents users from needing to recreate their tags and versions for additional emails. Note: Dynamic Content Tags and Versions will only be visible after the Email element is Published.


Meter Persistent Display Option Allows Ability to Prevent Close
In Metering, the close option can be disabled for persistent bar display types. This allows the message to persist throughout a user’s time on the page.

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Allow CDP Users to Manage Link Tracking for Individual Personalizations
Personalization users can now choose to automatically apply click tracking to the links present within each Personalization. In the Global Settings modal, audience marketers can check the box for ‘Automatic Click Tracking’ and on save of a Personalization, links will be wrapped in the Olytics Click Tracking Script. For individual Personalizations, audience marketers can click Manage Click Tracking to disable, or enable, and change how the link opens.

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