Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

User Access

I forgot my password to get into the Omeda, can you tell me what it is? For security purposes, we do not maintain or have access to user passwords. Please try using the “Lost Password” link on the login page. You will then receive an email with your login credentials.

I am unable to login to the application. It says my account is inactive. What happened? Accounts that have not been used in 90 days are automatically deactivated. Contact your account manager, or if this happens and we will reset your account. Once it is done we will let you know to log back in so you can reset your password and get back in to the system. Resetting your password can be done through the “lost password” link on the login page.


I went into my deployment today to select my audience list and when I clicked “select internal list” I didn’t see it listed. Where is my list? You very well may have uploaded the list to the wrong deployment type. Verify the deployment type of your deployment and try again.

I want to use an external list instead of Audience Builder/OnQ query. Is this possible?
Yes, even though unsubscribes and complaints will be automatically suppressed and hard bounces will be added to an external hard bounce table, please keep in mind that when an external file is used, the behavioral data cannot be collected and applied to your database in Audience Builder. We cannot match the information to a customer if the list did not originate from Audience Builder. The external list can be uploaded using the Upload list option.

Image Modified

Our system will only accept the external file that is .csv (comma delimited) file format. It must have a header record and can have any number of columns. The file must have only one column for email address. It can be formatted as email_address, emailaddr, etc., but presence of the 5 letters (EMAIL) in a string is required.

I’m trying to upload a suppression file and I keep on getting an error message. What am I doing wrong? Our system will only accept suppression files that are either .csv (comma delimited) or .txt (text) file format. Those files should only have one column for email address, and will work with or without a header.

What standard fields are included in the audience list when a query is output to Email Builder?

  • customer_id

  • email

  • first_name

  • last_name

  • title

  • company_name

  • phone

  • street_1

  • street_2

  • city

  • state_province_code

  • zip_postal_code

  • country

  • email_address_id

  • encrypted_customer_id

  • hashed_email_address

  • email_domain

Message Content

Can Omeda host an image for me so it will properly show in my email deployment? Yes. You can load images to here: Campaigns>Hosted Content
Follow the prompts and the URL will be returned to you. You have the ability to search for previously hosted content on that page as well. Send an email to and ask us for access to the Campaigns tab if you do not already have access.

Any idea as to why our spam score is different from one week to the next on the same newsletter? The only change is the wording. Some weeks it will have that 1.1 score, others it won’t. Plus, they have found that the weeks that the score isn’t present, our open rates are a bit higher. SpamAssassin assigns this score when a link in your content appears to contain a common tracking pattern used by spammers. This ‘goes away’ when the deployment is sent (provided you have link tracking turned on), because all links in your content are replaced with encrypted redirects so that we can report on the number of clicks generated by a campaign.  SpamAssassin is a 3rd party product and the Omeda team does not control any of the scores that are derived.

I have a renewal deployment I am working on and when I click on the renewal link it brings me to the blank page. Why isn’t my info pre-populating on the page as it should be? One of two things are wrong. First, there may be something wrong with the html of the link. Second is there may be an issue with your encrypted_customer_id stored in the Email Builder defaults, under the Seed name section. Access your seed record and update your encrypted_customer_id.

I noticed on one of my recent deployments that the links were not tracked? Why is that? Most likely the “Link Tracking” option checkbox is not checked in your deployment. Go to your deployment and check for it under the “Tracking” pleat.

How does Olytics work with anchor links on pages with infinite scroll?

If you’re using anchor links on an infinite scroll page, our Olytics script automatically is placed before the anchor, ensuring that the link is tracked correctly and visitors land at the correct spot.

Testing & Approval

I clicked the link on the approval email which took me to approval page for my deployment but the page is not allowing me to approve or make comments. Most likely the test was already approved by someone else and the final approver went ahead and scheduled the deployment.

I put my client on as a tester for a deployment and they did not receive the test message, what happened? Your test message may have been blocked by that person’s firewall or spam filter. If you go into the “Message Content” pleat and look under “Tester’s Comments” you should see a failure message. Tell your client to give this message to their IT department to troubleshoot for cause and solution.

I am trying to add a recipient as a seed/test but the application is not letting me. What is happening? Make sure that the recipient you are trying to add is not already listed.

When I click links in the test message, I see a “page not available” error message.  Why does that occur?

Test recipients should only be viewing and clicking in the most recent test message.  If they are clicking in a prior test, some of the links may show an error.

Editing after email has been approved

I approved and scheduled the email and now realize that I need to make changes.  How do I accomplish that?

  1. Select the deployment from the Email Builder search screen and click the ‘Unschedule’ link.  The prompt will confirm this action and state that the deployment is now in your Approval Queue

  2. Navigate to the Approval Queue where you can now see the prompt to ‘Unapprove’

  3. Once that action is completed, you can then then either select the option to ‘edit’ directly from that screen or you can return to the Search screen to select the deployment and proceed with your edits.

  4. Please note that you will then need to once again Approve and then Schedule and Activate to place the deployment into the sending queue

Unsubscribe Process

I had a colleague unsubscribe from one of our newsletters and they are complaining that they are still receiving them. Why would that be? Your colleague may still be listed as a seed recipient for that newsletter. I would suggest going into the “deployment defaults” under the “Tools” tab and removing that contact.


I was trying to run some reports on my deployments but I keep on getting “insufficient Permission Errors”, what is wrong? We suggest closing your browser completely, and try logging back in. You will experience these errors sometimes when there has been a long period of inactivity in the browser.  You may also need to refresh your cache.

Can I see how many people opened the txt version vs the html version of my deployment? No, because when you select the “both” option for sending within the Audience pleat, your email is transmitted in MIME format (includes both versions of the email, text and HTML). The receiving email client will determine which version of the email is shown to the end recipient. There is no way for us to track how each recipients email client is displaying an email.

What is the difference between an unsubscribe and a complaint? Unsubscribes are anyone that has used the Email Builder unsubscribe link in your content to opt out of those messages, and complaints are if someone has clicked the “This is Spam/Junk” button on the email with their email client/service. We can only register complaints with major ISPs or email providers (Comcast, Yahoo, AOL, etc.) that offer a feedback loop. If we do register a complaint we opt that email address out of all current and future deployment types.  The Complaints are also included in the Unsubscribe number in the Deployment Delivery report.

What do the different bounce/retry categories mean? You can find a short explanation of each category on our Email reports page.

Does Omeda offer a report which shows the number of customers opening on a desktop vs mobile device? That type of reporting is not available within Email Builder or Odyssey.  If you are using Olytics, you can review that data in Audience Builder or in the Web Behavior section under the Reports and Analytics tab.

My click data is missing in older reports

Omeda will only actively display the complete tracking for each deployment or voyage for 13 months.  After that time period, the data is archived.  You can always see the top level delivery data in the Summary Stats report

How long does Omeda track clicks/opens?

Omeda tracks clicks and opens for 60 days.


I live in Illinois and my co-worker is in California.  How do we know what timezone is used when sending?

Omeda will default the timezone based on the user’s computer settings.  However, all reporting is based on CST/CDT.

For Daylight and Standard time changes–when a deployment is scheduled, we convert the time selected to central time and that is what is saved in the database. We never change the data, rather the server time changes after daylight and standard time changes.