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Omeda’s integrated database platform features our Audience Builder (OnQ) (query, analysis, reporting) and Audience Search (customer look-up and customer service) user suites. Users have access to a variety of features and functionality, and there is an ongoing emphasis on leveraging our integrated database design and expanding our capabilities in capturing, reporting on, and sharing data from multiple channels.

The Omeda database will provide numerous opportunities for monetizing your audience and content, as well as enabling more effective targeting to lower campaign costs and improve ROI. Here are some of the features and capabilities that will empower your team every day:

Centralized Database – Customized Access to Multi-Channel and Multi-Product Data

  • integrate all data sources across all products – publications, e-newsletters, webinars, trade shows, whitepapers, web registrants, product purchases, and any other touchpoints – into a centralized database featuring “one view of the customer” across all brands and products.

  • use the live, operational centralized database to enhance audience development, sales, marketing, and strategic planning for your various lines of business.

  • utilize custom field libraries and multi-level foldering for effective organization of global and granular audience data.

  • create custom query and reporting profiles/views for your various user groups (audience development, digital media marketers, event marketers, sales, executive management, etc.) to provide relevant, function-specific data access.

  • full integration of email marketing suite (Omail) with database, for more effective segmentation prior to each effort, and more valuable behavioral data after each effort.

Audience Builder (OnQ) – Robust Query, Analytical, and Reporting

Our Audience Builder (OnQ) query, analytical and reporting application provides immediate access to data from multiple channels – including contact, demographic, behavioral, contextual, transactional, and scoring information – for multi-dimensional queries and marketing, operating, and ad hoc reports.

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  • immediate interactive access to expansive contact, demographic, behavioral, transactional and scoring information, all of which can be utilized for multi-dimensional queries, and operating and ad hoc reports.

  • custom crosshatch reports tailored to specific advertisers and marketing initiatives – using any fields on the database – can be accomplished in seconds, featuring interactive cells/numbers and immediate viewing and download of records.

  • create one-click functionality for multi-dimensional selections, and track lifetime value (LTV) metrics across all products, as well as by specific brands/products.

Behavioral Data – Direct and Contextual Data for Timely, Effective Marketing

  • Olytics web behaviors, including data searchable by product, category, action, content, topic, keyword, editor, advertising, and frequency.

  • Omail (email) behaviors, including data searchable by opens, clicks, keywords, sends, date, and time period.

  • event and product behaviors, including attendance, registration, type of registration, sessions attended, whitepapers downloaded, etc.

  • engagement, recency, and scoring capabilities for better analysis and segmentation.


  • radius search tools for more effective targeting of destination events.

  • heat maps for better analysis of marketing and event success, and additional promotion opportunities.

List Fatigue and Inventory Tools for Improved Planning and Reduced List Fatigue

  • List Fatigue Calendar to manage email selections more effectively and deploy with more confidence; search the centralized database for recipients who have received or are due to receive deployments over a specified range of dates, and exclude from your selection to prevent increased opt-out and spam reporting.

  • Inventory Calendar to determine the frequency/fatigue rules to avoid overuse of each email address. Users can declare the maximum number of emails that a recipient can receive each week, and this can be applied either globally across all deployments, or by deployment type.

Deep and Dynamic Reporting

  • our deep library of reports has been enriched to include dynamic reporting on key metrics, with the ability to expand a single report into multiple sub-reports. Users can view data across all products or subsets of products, including the ability to drill-down to customer detail with a report.

Comprehensive Customer Profiles

  • enhanced “Audience Search” profiles of each customer, including multiple contact types (multiple email, phone, postal addresses), all product engagements, and behavioral data, for a better understanding of each customer and enriched customer service opportunities.


Omeda offers a wide array of APIs for website support and multi-vendor integration. Through this robust API set, the centralized database serves to drive numerous client initiatives, including content/offer management and lead generation.

Valuable data sharing via robust API suite

With Omeda’s versatile API suite, the expansive data from your Omeda database can be shared with other applications, such as content management systems, to provide more relevant content and offers to website visitors, resulting in increased web traffic, leads, and subscription opportunities.

In addition, behavioral data related to website activity (articles and ads viewed), show/event registrations, and whitepapers can feed the database in real-time to provide valuable time-sensitive information for tracking and lead generation purposes.

Use APIs to enable:

  • Content management – provide personalized content for known website visitors based on their demographic and behavioral profiles.

  • Offer management – provide personalized offers for known website visitors based on their previous product engagement, and demographic and behavioral profiles.

  • Behavior-based emails triggered by website activity (for example, if a website visitor clicks on an article related to “processing”, you can immediately send that visitor an email promoting your upcoming “processing” conference or webinar). In addition, subscription landing pages can trigger confirmation emails featuring offers for related products.

  • Lead generation – gather timely information, such as how many people have clicked on a key advertiser’s banner ad on your website this week, downloaded a whitepaper, or registered for an event; then provide your advertisers with those hot leads, enhanced with additional demographic or behavioral data from your database.

Database Services Feature Summary

1 – Access management. Providing appropriate access to system based on user roles.

Customized user-based views/profiles of the data ensure that each user is working with only the data set relevant to the user’s function (audience development, marketing, sales, digital media, lead generation, list rental, editorial, etc.). Omeda and/or the client can manage each user’s access to modules, reports, and processes within the Omeda system.   In addition, each user has a customized set of dashboards, making it easy to monitor KPI’s on an ongoing basis (see example below):

The Omeda system features the powerful Audience Builder (OnQ) query, analytical and reporting application which provides immediate access to data from multiple channels, including contact, demographic, behavioral, contextual, transactional, and scoring information for multi-dimensional queries and marketing, operating, and ad hoc reports.  Audience Builder (OnQ) provides numerous opportunities for advanced segmentation, cross-selling, and upselling within each brand and across multiple brands and products.  Our clients have the ability to pull a wide array of queries, including complex queries with AND, OR and NOT/EXCLUDE statements within one query, advanced multi-group queries, Nth selections, radius searches, engagement recency, and behavioral data analysis (e.g. websites, events, email).  Crosshatch reports, using any fields on the file, can be accomplished in seconds. Complete circulation and statistical summaries can be run on the entire database, or any subset of the database.   Audience Builder (OnQ) provides access to corporate, vertical market, brand, and product data for multi-level marketing.  In addition, customized user-based views/profiles of the data ensure that each user is working with only the data set relevant to the user’s function (audience development, marketing, sales, digital media, lead generation, list rental, editorial, etc.) for maximum efficiency and ease of use.  Also, users can create any number of custom “Q-queries”, which roll multi-level selections into one-click access for easy access and targeting. Because our integrated Omail email services are integrated within our overall platform, access to key email data (sends, opens, clicks, keywords, permissioning by product) is available within the same query tool as the other customer data, providing a multitude of benefits in segmentation, analysis, and lead generation. Our latest enhancement is Olytics, which provides valuable web behavioral tracking of both known and unknown visitors for a holistic view of your overall audience. These and other features are viewable via a demonstration of the Omeda system.

2 – Other Features

2.1 – Demographics

Customer demographics are maintained on both a per product and consolidated level, and available for selection within our Audience Builder (OnQ) query tool.  In addition, users can create any number of custom “Q-queries”, which roll multi-level selections into one-click access for easy access and targeting.

2.2 – Geographic

Geographic data is provided in general groupings (such as Domestic, Canada, Foreign groupings), as well as by standard AAM/BPA categories, individual countries and states/provinces, and custom client-specific groupings.   With the increase in regional and local events, marketers need to supplement macro-geographic marketing efforts with micro-geo targeting. Omeda’s database query capabilities allow you to create radius searches and target down to a specific zip code level.  For example, you can do last-minute data mining to identify prospective show attendees within driving distance of your upcoming event, and send an Omail deployment to those prospective attendees within minutes of making the selection from the database. We also have functionality where the zip codes have been pre-defined for the major metropolitan areas.  For example, if you type “Chicago” in the zip code field, you will see all of the zip codes for the metropolitan area which includes Northern Indiana, Illinois, and Southern Wisconsin. In addition, we provide heat maps which can be very effective for geographic targeting and analysis.

2.3 – Behavioral selection (open/clicks/views/other)

Because Omail email data is completely integrated with the database, all of the valuable behavioral data (opens, clicks, and keywords) is available in the master database for better analysis and more targeted efforts. In addition, behavioral data can be overlayed with demographic or other data in the database.   Omeda’s behavioral data capabilities also include Olytics, our web analytics service designed to track and report on website traffic for both known and unknown visitors.  It’s our belief that “a cookie is a customer”, and we enable you to track the web behaviors of unknown customers and store the relevant data on the master database, thereby enabling you to analyze and market to all of your customers – known and unknown. When an unknown customer does complete a registration, we retroactively attach that cookie’s past history to the new “known” customer record.  The numerous benefits of Olytics include deeper behavioral and contextual engagement metrics for more targeted marketing efforts and enhanced lead generation, and API-driven segments to drive better content and offer management.

2.4 – Net deliverable counts

The Omail deployment delivery report will show the actual number of emails delivered with the bounced emails categorized by hard and soft bounces, deferrals or spam blocks. The reporting for Opens and Clicks can be based on either Unique or Gross counts.

3 – Data enhancements

3.1 – Normalizing demographics

Customer demographics are maintained on both a per product and consolidated level, and are available for selection within our Audience Builder (OnQ) query tool.  Consolidated demographics are created based on the client’s rules, and clients are involved in the data mapping during implementation to ensure the desired classification of each demographic code.  Those rules are then applied to the ongoing processing of new/revised records to the database.   Our experience in the development and ongoing management of centralized data warehouses has reinforced our belief in the importance of the entire process – not just an intuitive user toolset – in creating a truly valuable asset for our clients.  As such, we emphasize all of the steps in the process, including data collection, processing, hygiene, identity resolution, normalization, multi-vendor integration, data sharing, and, of course, a customized user interface for query, reporting, and analytical purposes.

3.2 – Title coding from clear language title/function and business/industry

The Omeda system features a unique OEC (open-ended coding) program that enables our clients to reclassify “other” responses to demographic questions. Each table of OEC responses continually builds with new entries over time, thereby increasing efficiency and providing more detailed demographic information on customers.   Within the My Omeda Toolbox, clients will have the ability to Assign Values to OEC, See Assigned Values, or Manage Assignments by demographic.

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3.3 – Company-level data: Units, Firms, Top Companies, Fortune 1000 The Omeda platform provides the ability to aggregate company-level data across units, firms, top company lists, and Fortune 1000 lists (including audit support services for such data).  Unitization can be done via various methods (key man, consensus, secondary source). Upon aggregation/matching, company-level data is available for selection, analysis, and marketing in the same Audience Builder (OnQ) tool where the individual customer data resides.  For example, you can see that you have 100 customers at Top Company X, or that you have 5,000 customers with the title of “Manager” on the database, representing 1,000 different companies.  Various Omeda clients have used such data to provide more ammunition for sales staff, and more targets for advertisers.

4 – Output Options

4.1 – Flat file output

Omeda clients have the ability to run the latest counts and reports – either standard or custom reports – and produce outputs as needed.   Users have total control over the data fields that should be included in the output for each file.  In addition, demographic data can be output as either the code or the text verbiage.   There are numerous other features, such the output of one individual per group, de-dupe by field, sorts by field, and Nth selects.   Users of the Omeda system can automatically download data in .csv format into third-party programs like Excel (including xlsx format) for the purpose of creating spreadsheets, or pie charts, bar graphs and other graphics.

4.2 – Email file output

Creating an audience list is a simple as selecting one of the Omail output formats in Audience Builder (OnQ).  Since the customerID is embedded in the deployment file, all engagement data is then written back to the customer record to complete the full circle of knowledge about each customer.  In addition, all data from each deployment can be easily downloaded into an Excel format (for those users with that user role privilege).

5 – Merge/Purge-Matching Tools

Omeda has developed an award-winning Identity Resolution solution that is built into our processor, and uses a combination of exact and fuzzy matching to develop a match/confidence score for determining unique and common records.  Match fields include name, company name (including salutation and suffix), address, title, email, and phone fields.  Multi-field and customized merge/purge jobs are currently run by Omeda staff on a per job basis, and we will be releasing a UI within the next several months which will allow users to run merge/purge jobs themselves.   Within our current user suite, our Match Evaluation feature allows you to easily match on any number of characters of any text data field(s) against an external file.  For example, users can match on the first three digits of the zip code, five digit zip code, company name(s), etc.

6 – Management of multiple contact information per individual (i.e. separate by products subscribed)

The Omeda platform enables our clients to integrate all of their data from print products, e-newsletters, webinars, conferences, whitepapers, websites (e.g. content tags), and any other touch points into a single, centralized database featuring “one view of the customer”.   Omeda’s relational database capabilities provide the ability to collect and manage multiple email and postal addresses and phone numbers (each tied to each specific product), multiple subscriptions, multiple opt-in (permissioning) dates, subscriber demographics on both a per product and consolidated level, and a multitude of additional behavioral and transactional data. Our award-winning identity resolution process enables de-duplication and data consolidation, and deep demographic and behavioral profiles for each customer.  Clients can then leverage the rich customer data within the Omeda database via our user-friendly query/reporting/analysis tool for multiple revenue-driving purposes, and, along with our APIs, provide web gating and drive relevant content offers.

7 – Customer look-up/view/update tools

Omeda’s “Audience Search” program allows users to view, add, delete, or modify individual customer records. Users can search for individual customers via various criteria, including name, company/organization, zip code, email address, customer ID, old customer ID, and selection. Customer records feature a multitude of contact, demographic, behavioral and transactional data, as well as valuable information on all product touchpoints, to provide a comprehensive view of each customer.